The Marauders are one group from Harry Potter that many fans love. They are definitely fan favorites, excluding Peter Pettigrew, and many fans want more stories about them and that time period. While Lupin, James, and Sirius are popular characters, they also have some major flaws. They are complex characters that have good traits and bad traits, and they also do things that are wrong or even just annoying.

Here are the ten most obnoxious things that the Marauders did in the Harry Potter series.

Sirius acting like a total criminal in Prisoner of Azkaban

When Sirius escapes from Azkaban he’s already been held there for 13 years even though he was innocent. Considering what being surrounded by dementors for that long would do to someone, it’s not surprising he’s not completely in his right mind. However, the way he goes about trying to kill Peter Pettigrew makes him seem like he is a criminal.

If he had gone about things in a much better way, he would have looked more innocent.

When James and Sirius did magic in front of Muggles

This is a bit of canon that doesn’t reside in the books or movies but was instead included in a short story about James and Sirius. In this story, these two get cornered by Muggle cops and have to use magic to escape.

While it’s a fun story that shows their personalities, the fact that they were so blatant about breaking even important laws in the wizarding community shows they were kind of arrogant, and it was a little bit annoying.

The way Lupin didn’t step up to mentor Harry very much

There’s no denying that Lupin was one of the best Hogwarts professors that Hary ever had. He did care about Harry and helped him learn how to produce a Patronus Charm, but it always seemed strange that he didn’t take a more vested interest in being a mentor to Harry.

Given that Harry clearly needed adult guidance and support, and that Lupin was good friends with James, it’s annoying he didn’t step up more.

How Sirius treated Harry during Order of the Phoenix

Sirius is someone who has been through a lot of things, and he does clearly care about Harry. It’s clear that he wants to look out for him, but he doesn’t always do that great of a job.

In the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius lets his own frustrations and restlessness affect how he treats Harry. He gets annoyed with Harry for not being reckless enough, and he often is passive-aggressive toward him. This was definitely frustrating and obnoxious to read about, and Harry deserved a parental figure who was steadier.

Lupin trying to abandon Tonks while she was pregnant

Lupin overall seems like the one member of the Marauders who had his head on his shoulder and was more grounded. However, he did have one moment that was really annoying and also troublesome.

This is when he tried to go with Harry on the Horcrux Hunt and leave Tonks behind while she was pregnant. He clearly let his own fears get the better of him, but this was not a good look.

The way they were generally proud of their rule-breaking even in adulthood

Given that the Marauders were rather young when they broke a ton of school rules, a lot of their mischievous ways can be forgiven. However, they ever really seemed to see anything wrong with how they acted, even in adulthood. Lupin shows a few signs of being ashamed of how reckless they were back in the day, but Sirius doesn’t really.

It’s clear they are a bit proud of how they acted.

The ways that Sirius wasn’t a great godfather

Sirius could be a good godfather in some ways, but he was also lacking in many others. It seemed like during Harry’s fourth year he was a lot more supportive even though at that time he was still on the run.

But, later on, he didn’t offer Harry much guidance or support. He instead wanted Harry to act more like James and take on more of a best friend role, and this was not what Harry needed from Sirius.

James being kind of obsessive about Lily

Many fans have pointed out that Snape’s obsession over Lily is a bit disturbing and with good reason. But, one thing that often gets ignored is how James was a bit too pushy when it came to Lily as well.

He continually asked her out even though it’s clear she had turned him down multiple times. The way he didn’t really take no for an answer is annoying and also a bit problematic. He should have respected her wishes more.

Peter Pettigrew in general

This list is mostly missing one notable member of the Marauders. While when many fans refer to the group they aren’t including him, he was one of the original members. However, given that he betrayed James and Lily and went fully to Voldemort’s side, he’s not really in the same group anymore.

There are many things about Pettigrew that are annoying, however, including how he always relied on other people who were stronger than him to look out for him.

The way James and Sirius were really arrogant

While Lupin was a little calmer and showed a little more rationality, James and Sirius were both rather over the top personalities. They could be extremely arrogant, and they both thought highly of themselves.

It’s also apparent that they saw themselves as being above the rules, and this was definitely one of the most annoying things about them. While some of this can be attributed to their age and immaturity, this also just seems to be part of their personalities.