Sirius Black is a character from Harry Potter that many fans love. He’s definitely a fan favorite, and many people love to learn as much as they can about the Marauders and their lives. While Sirius might be charming and appealing, he’s also a rather flawed character. This is part of what makes him interesting to many fans, but there’s no denying that he makes a lot of mistakes and can be arrogant and reckless. These traits can also lead him to do some rather annoying things.

Here are the ten most annoying things Sirius Black ever did.

The way he never felt bad for breaking rules

While Harry and his friends might do a lot of rule-breaking, the Marauders might have been even worse. They enjoyed breaking rules just for the fun of it whereas a lot of Harry’s rule-breaking was directly related to fighting Voldemort and his followers. Sirius, along with James, loved to break rules and get into trouble.

It’s also clear that he had no remorse for doing so even though some of his rule-breaking was rather dangerous such as running around with Lupin in werewolf form.

His cruelty toward Kreacher

One thing that’s rather annoying about Sirius is his hypocrisy. On the one hand, he tells the trio that Barty Crouch Sr.’s treatment of Winky reveals a lot about him and says the quote about how the way people treat those inferior to their station says a lot about them. Yet, on the other hand, he treats Kreacher horribly even though this is basically the same situation he said showed that Crouch wasn’t a great man.

While Kreacher was cruel and sneaky, Sirius should have realized he had been abused and taught to be that way.

Getting in a fight with Molly over Harry

Many of Sirius’ most annoying moments have to do with how he acted about Harry in Order of the Phoenix. One frustrating scene was when he got into a fight with Molly Weasley over Harry and how much he should know about the Order.

While both Molly and Arthur had good points and wanted the best for Harry, the way they both went about it wasn’t great. It definitely made Sirius look like a bit of a jerk to come after Molly like that, too.

He could be rather arrogant and uncaring

Sirius Black had a fairly traumatic childhood, so it’s not like his life was always easy. However, he was attractive, charming, and intelligent, and it’s clear he had an air of arrogance about him.

He wasn’t particularly compassionate even though he was overall a good character. His arrogance definitely got the better of him when he was younger, but he luckily matured somewhat as an adult. It’s definitely true that he wasn’t good at letting go of grudges, and this could get obnoxious at times.

How he moped around at Grimmauld Place

During his time at Grimmauld Place, it’s easy to understand why Sirius was frustrated. He was stuck at his parent’s home, a place that he always hated and that reminded him of their horrible ways. He had also been in Azkaban for 13 years, so being shut up and locked away would definitely remind him of that.

However, the way he moped around at Grimmauld Place could definitely get annoying at times. He would often take his feelings out in passive-aggressive ways, and this definitely wasn’t fair.

The way he wouldn’t explain what was going on to the trio in Prisoner of Azkaban

One frustrating thing when re-reading the books is how Sirius acts at the end of the third book. He wants to go right ahead with killing Pettigrew without giving the trio an explanation.

Given that they were really confused and scared, he should have thought things through better. At the very least, his concern for Harry should have made him want to give them an explanation before he murdered Pettigrew in front of them.

How he destroyed the Fat Lady’s portrait

During Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius does a lot of frustrating things. A lot of this can be explained by the fact he had been locked away for so many years and surrounded by Dementors, but some of his actions were definitely reckless and annoying.

The way he snuck into Hogwarts and slashed the Fat Lady’s portrait was one of those moments. This was a rather violent thing to do for someone who was an innocent man.

When he saw Harry more as James than as his godson

Sirius had many obnoxious moments during Order of the Phoenix. While in the fourth book he was rather caring and concerned as a godfather, even though he was on the run, in the fifth book he was a pretty bad godfather.

He started thinking of Harry more like a best friend as opposed to a godson. The way he seemed to get the two confused definitely got annoying. While it’s also sad in a way, Harry needed a stable parental figure.

Acting annoyed and disappointed with Harry when he wasn’t reckless enough

This is another obnoxious thing that Sirius did during the fifth book. The fact that Sirius was cooped up and feeling restless himself made him want to live vicariously through Harry and his friends.

So, he kept encouraging them to be reckless and break rules. This was definetly not something he should have been doing, and he should have been more concerned about Harry’s safety. Plus, the way he guilt-tripped Harry for not being reckless was completely out of line.

Going with Harry to the train station as an animagus

One of Sirius’ most annoying moments by far is when he wouldn’t listen to everyone around him and choose to accompany Harry to the train station anyway. He pus himself and the Order at risk by going with Harry and the others to the train station in London, and it was clearly a reckless move.

And, after the fact, he brushed it off and acted like there was no chance that anyone could have recognized him.