Harry Potter is the protagonist of the Harry Potter series, and he’s definitely a well-loved character by many fans. Harry might be the hero of the series, but he definitely has a lot of flaws. Many fans have pointed out that Harry can be rather annoying at times, and this is often because he’s not great at thinking things through. Given all the things Harry has to deal with, it’s understandable that he doesn’t always act perfectly. And, as with any good hero, he also has his flaws.
Here are the ten most annoying things that Harry ever did.
His blatant disrespect for rules
Given that Harry is the protagonist of the series, he’s going to have to break rules to get things done. He’s not an adult, so he often has to break rules to address the burden that’s on his shoulders.
While a lot of his rule-breaking is understandable, there were many times he broke rules when he didn’t need to. He basically broke rules left and right, and he didn’t really ever think about the consequences of this or question his actions.
When he was a horrible date at the Yule Ball
Harry might be a good person overall, but he can be a little bit selfish at times. He can also be immature and a bit moody. When he takes Parvati Patil to the Yule Ball, he ends up spending a good deal of the date being upset with Ron since they couldn’t take the girls they wanted to the Ball.
This was just annoying to read about and is clearly an issue related to the fact that Harry is young and not very good at dealing with these kinds of situations.
He could be rather self-absorbed
Harry Potter definitely has an overall good heart and good intentions, but he also has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. Because of this, he can often be rather self-absorbed and even a little selfish.
Usually, the people he cares about spend a lot more time taking care of him then he does taking care of them. While this is understandable because he often has to deal with things that they don’t, it could get annoying that he didn’t think about others as much as he should have.
The fact he treated Cho rather poorly even though she was grieving
Quite a few of Harry’s most annoying moments have to deal with when he was dating and trying to figure out love. This isn’t a grave issue because he is just a teenager, and most teenagers don’t really know what they’re doing when it comes to romance. However, he should have had more compassion for the fact that Cho was grieving Cedric’s death.
He was more annoyed that she wasn’t happy to be dating him than understanding that she was still going through the grieving process.
He had very little common sense
Many fans have pointed out the fact that Harry didn’t have a lot of common sense. His lack of common sense could range from small things such as not realizing when someone had a crush on him to big things like thinking that prisoners were going to be left to die in the Hogwarts lake during the second task.
The fact that he didn’t really think things through logically could be really obnoxious at times.
The many times he used Hermione and didn’t appreciate her
This is another example of Harry not being as helpful to the people around him as they were to him. Given that Harry was in a position to need a lot of help, this would be more understandable if he would give people more appreciation.
Hermione is someone who did a lot of things for him such as planning for the Horcrux hunt, providing a lot of knowledge and skill, and also offering emotional support. Harry should have been a bit more of a good friend to her in return, but he could be caught up in his own issues.
Not taking his Occlumency lessons seriously
One thing Harry did that annoyed both audiences, as well as Harry’s friends, is when he didn’t take Occlumency lessons seriously. While it’s understandable that Harry wasn’t thrilled about having to do these lessons with Snape, he should have taken them more seriously.
It was clear they were needed to protect his mind from Voldemort and possible manipulation. But, instead, he tried to keep the connection with Voldemort which had serious consequences later on.
His hero complex that often led him to do dumb things
Similar to the fact that Harry didn’t have a lot of common sense, he also had quite the hero complex. This was pointed out to him many times in the series by his friends. There are many examples of this including trying to save all of the hostages during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament to trying to go save Sirius all by himself.
While he might have been trying to do the right thing, he didn’t always go about saving people in the smartest of ways.
When he took his emotions out on Ron and Hermione
Ron and Hermione were overall good friends to Harry. Of course, they also had their flaws and moments where they could have been better. However, Harry could be a bad friend to them at times, too.
He would often take his emotions out on them and yell at them when he was frustrated. Clearly Harry needed a lot of emotional help after all the trauma he’d been through, and sadly he never got that really from the adults around him.
His planning and organizational skills are awful and always leaves things to chance
One of the most annoying things about Harry is how he hardly ever planned anything out or thought things through. He could be extremely reckless and often just went on his emotions and intuition.
The list of reckless things he did included going to save Sirius alone, not preparing properly for the Triwizard Tournament, and not planning how he would find and destroy Horcruxes. He definitely could be obnoxious when he didn’t plan ahead and just charged into situations without thought.