Harry Potter is simply one of those phenomenons that will follow us forever. The books and movies had such a big impact on so many different generations, it’s impossible to ever forget. And why would we want to, really? These are the kind of films and stories that allow us to escape reality, even if just for a little bit, while simultaneously reminding us of the power of love, friendship, and unity. Plus, there are so many good characters that we can both admire and relate to.

Not to mention, of course, that anything Harry Potter related is the perfect vehicle for great meme content. No other character is as hilarious and pure in its essence quite like Ron Weasley. This, of course, makes him the perfect target for fans everywhere to come up with some serious quality material. So let’s take a look at ten hysterical Ron Weasley memes!

The Friendzone

The friend zone is one of those jokes that quickly spread like wildfire. Text messages, screenshots of all shapes and sizes, everything became an excuse to make memes about the dreaded friendzone. After all, humor is always a good way to deal with rejection. That person is not interested, make a meme about it and move on.

Of course, there is something extra special about romances that begin as friendships. Ron and Hermione were a delight to observe during the course of both the movies and books. Even though Ron was never exactly in the friendzone as we know it, he still provides a glimmer of hope for those of us crushing on our best friend.

Identity Crisis?

No, this is Ed Sheeran. Okay, all jokes aside, this is a pretty funny one. Way back in the day, this meme swept the Internet with such force it nearly created some sort of cosmic force of its own. Overall in life, looking like a famous person or character can take you quite far. You can even ponder a career as an impersonator!

This poor dude looks like he is about to burst into a thousand pieces. Is he having an identity crisis because he looks both like Harry and Ron? Or is he just studying for his finals and contemplating throwing everything into a fire pit? We’ll never know, but we sure appreciate the meme.

Harry Wins

Human beings can really be petty sometimes. Like, extremely so. And even though we all appreciate this, particularly people who hold on to the pettiest grudges in order to succeed in life, we’re not sure whether or not we can get behind the notion that Harry only married Ginny Weasley and built a life with her because Ron got the OG girl, Hermione.

We’re 99.9% sure that he didn’t. However, who’s to say we know exactly what goes through Harry Potter’s mind? He was the Chosen One who could’ve had anyone he wanted…and he picked his best friend’s little sister. Isn’t there a code somewhere that deems this as pretty uncool?

Pun Intended

Please don’t roll your eyes just yet, and let yourself rejoice in all the beauty of this meme. We’re very well aware that puns might not be your thing, but let us make our case. First, everybody knows Quidditch is like, the best sport in the world. Ice skating doesn’t even hold a candle to it!

Secondly, Ron Weasley is just lovable at all times and anyone who has his personality is definitely a keeper. Finally, there are about ten different moods going on in this picture! So please, appreciate this awesome pun and then feel free to move on with your life.

The World Sees You

Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire will forever remain one of the best movies out of the entire saga. Mostly because it was the motion picture that launched a thousand memes about Dumbledore being a little too intense when Harry is chosen as the second Hogwarts champion. Also, because it introduced us to Robert Pattinson before he was lost to vampire land.

But let us not forget this was the movie where pretty much everyone was either entering or already very much into their teenage years. Hormones wore flying everywhere, so that means this is the very first time the romance between Ron and Hermione starts to blossom.

We Feel You, Ron

Ron is the kind of character who is impossible to not love. He was complex and sensitive, but also hilarious and kind-hearted. In many ways, Ron was the real MVP of the entire Harry Potter series. Of course, Neville Longbottom is probably considered that one character meant to serve as comic relief.

However, Ron was hands down the funniest character. His facial expressions alone should’ve earned Rupert Grint an Oscar. Especially because they tend to mimic our everyday expressions when some very random nonsense is happening. Weasley is just a major mood, and that’s that.

Spiders Are Scary, Okay?

Oh yeah, you bet we’re going to present you with yet another excellent example of this particular iconic Ron Weasly meme. One of our favorite meme arts is when people take the liberty of captioning existing scenes in a much more relatable and hilarious manner.

In this case, can we really blame Ron for his fear of spiders? Particularly in a world where magic exists and everything indicates that spiders bigger than giants might be very much real? The answer is no. But we do love to imagine that if a spider were to encounter Ron, it would be just as scared as he was. Because Weasley is what? A badass.


Have we praised Ron Weasley enough for being one of the most relatable characters to ever appear on the screen? Take away the magic wand and all the magic components, you are left with a funny, lighthearted guy who just loves his friends, enjoys to eat and wants to be successful.

Also, one who is a tad bit clumsy. That one time Ron was braver than all of the Harry Potter characters combined and took his dad’s car without permission to save his friend was epic. It also resulted in a very obvious car crash and a facial expression that all of us would rock if our parents caught us red-handed. Again, relatable.

J.K. Rowling Needs To Chill

There are probably more memes on the Internet about J.K. Rowling than all of her characters combined. We are truly thankful to Rowling for her immeasurable talent, fierceness, and resilience that made it possible for the world of Harry Potter to become a reality. We can even forgive her for continuously adding details to the story that don’t really make much sense.

What we can’t do, however, is forgive her for suggesting Ron’s character was anything less than perfect and that his storyline was anything below what he deserved. Back off from Weasley, Mrs. Rowling, because the fans will not stand for it! Plus, Harry is just fine with Ginny. They had cute babies!

Dementors? That’s Cute.

We simply couldn’t let this list be published without making at least one ginger joke. Because they are hilarious, and Ron Weasley and his entire family came to prove that being a ginger is not a weakness. It can actually get you pretty far in life! If you’re lucky enough, you get yo marry the woman of your dreams and gain 20 lbs around the stomach area.

The Dementors were easily one of the scariest parts of the whole series. They looked ghastly and fed off happy memories - which means Ron would be completely immune since everyone knows gingers are miserable. Right? Right?! Just kidding - enjoy the meme, though!