Harry Potter is a magical world full of fantastic spells and amazing charms. While many are intentional, some have ended up slipping through the cracks over time. With some moments dominating the screen, many clever tricks or hidden details have ended up passing even the most hardcore Potterheads.

The films smartly added plenty of Easter Eggs and went through many difficult situations to make the movies, most of which fans are totally unaware of.

But fear not, as within this list we will take a look at the hidden details that you may have missed, this time focusing fully on Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets. 

Ron’s Robes

Throughout the franchise, it is made very clear that the Weasley family isn’t flush with cash. There are a lot of mouths to feed and things to buy. Due to that, and the fact Ron is the youngest of the brothers, he often gets hand-me-downs from his siblings.

This is something he is mocked for by Draco Malfoy, pushing his bullying tactics and the fact his family is rich. However, rather than just mentioning it several times, the film actually shows it. If you look carefully in this film, Ron’s robes are a little more worn and beaten than the rest of his classmates, proving it’s not a new uniform.

The Books

Obviously, every Harry Potter movie is firmly based on the books written by J.K. Rowling. Without them, there would be no wizarding world and while the movie is a clear enough nod to the work she did, in Chamber Of Secrets they make an appearance themselves.

The moment comes when Harry accidentally ends up in Knockturn Alley and is eventually saved by Hagrid. However, while he is making his way around the dark alleys, you can see a collection of books, some of which are actually Rowling’s very own Potter novels.

Lucius Aims To Kill

Everyone knows Lucius Malfoy is not a nice person. Throughout the movies, he is constantly shown as a horrible character and that is never clearer than right at the end of Chamber Of Secrets. When Harry Potter tricks him into giving Dobby a sock, Lucius loses his cool.

He becomes so angry that he whips out his wand and yells “Avada.” However, before he can finish his sentence, Dobby sends him flying. The curse he was trying to use was actually “Avada Kedavra,” which we later learn is one of the three Unforgivable Curses, which is very extreme to do against a small boy.

Cameraman Caught

Something that all movies desperately try to stop from happening is having anything out of place shown on camera. Things like directors, drinks (we’re looking at you Game Of Thrones), and branding that doesn’t belong are all kept out of camera sight on purpose.

That includes the people who are filming everything. However, in one scene during Chamber Of Secrets, one of the cameramen is actually caught by a different camera. He can be seen filming a different angle and he is kept in the movie, with this being a mistake that is missed by most.


One of the most well-known scenes from Chamber Of Secrets is, of course, the spider scene. It sees Harry Potter and Ron Weasley heading down to Aragog’s lair where they encounter the huge spider and all of his children in what is quite a scary scene.

In the movie, Ron is terrified of the spiders, but this wasn’t a tough situation to act on for Rupert Grint. That’s because the actor himself has arachnophobia, which means he is scared of spiders in real life. That means this was likely a horrible experience for him.

Ron Knows Myrtle’s Killer

Ron Weasley manages to get a few things right during his time in the franchise, and one of those moments comes in this movie. After just learning about Tom Riddle and an award he had won at Hogwarts, he jokes that the award was for killing Moaning Myrtle.

The ghost was a slightly annoying character in this movie, and that is why Ron makes the dark joke. However, it turns out to be partially correct. While Riddle doesn’t kill Myrtle himself, he is the one who opened the Chamber Of Secrets, which leads to her death.

Neville’s Future

Foreshadowing is commonplace within this series, and the Chamber Of Secrets is no different in that regard. One piece of foreshadowing takes place with Neville Longbottom as he is shown to have a keen future in herbology.

This is something that plays a consistent role in his character moving forward. Even though he ends up passing out within the herbology lesson, the fact that it is Herbology is a clear way of trying to showcase that this class is going to play a big part in his future.

Sherbet Lemon

Passwords are crucial to getting anywhere inside of Hogwarts. This is mainly highlighted anytime a student tries to get into their common room, but this isn’t the only place that passwords are used. As we learn in this film, the same is needed to enter Dumbledore’s office.

In Chamber Of Secrets, that password is “Sherbet Lemon.” It might seem slightly random, but it is Dumbledore’s favorite sweet, which is a nod to the popular lemon drops. This is something that continues to be referenced throughout the movies, with the sweets being seen on his desk at later points.

Gilderoy Lockhart’s Secret

Throughout the Chamber Of Secrets, we learn that Gilderoy Lockhart is a liar who is incapable of actually doing anything he claims that he has done in his best selling books. He tries to flee before instead of going to help find Ginny, and this leads to one of his secrets being uncovered.

While the focus of the scene is on Gilderoy trying to escape and Harry and Ron catching him, fans miss a big detail about him. On his desk it is clearly visible that he wears a wig, adding yet another lie to his list, giving fans the funny thought about him being bald in reality.

Disappearing Painting

Speaking of the scene where Gilderoy Lockhart attempts to run away from Hogwarts before being revealed as a fraud, there is more than one hidden detail that people often miss. While the fact he is bald is a major moment from the scene, it isn’t the only one.

If you look in the background, Gilderoy has a painting of himself in his own office, because, of course, he does. But the fact he is so arrogant isn’t the interesting part, it is the fact that the painting is doing the same as him and is fleeing the area as well.