Emma Watson is synonymous with the Harry Potter character of Hermione Granger. The actress shot to fame alongside Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint for their portrayal of the Golden Trio in the Harry Potter film adaptations and it is hard to picture anybody else other than Watson playing Hermione.

After playing the character for so long, there is no doubt that Emma Watson nails the majority of Hermione’s mannerisms. She grew up with and into the role as well as became a generational icon, launched a successful acting career and cemented her legacy in the Harry Potter universe. Here are ten Hermione Granger mannerisms that Emma Watson gets perfectly.

Hermione’s Friendship With Harry

One of Hermione’s most defining relationships in the series is her friendship with Harry. The two meet in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and, despite Hermione initially coming across as very brash and bossy, she and Harry bond after the Boy Who Lived and his new best friend Ron Weasley save her from a troll.

Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe convey the sibling-like bond between the characters in the films. Harry and Hermione share a touching dance in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I that wasn’t adapted from the book.

Her Drive To Succeed

Hermione Granger is one of the most driven characters in the Harry Potter series. She is incredibly self-motivated and dedicated to her education as well as passionate and proactive, and Emma Watson conveys Hermione’s earnest desperation to succeed well in the films.

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione enlists a Time-Turner to help her take every available class at Hogwarts, exhausting herself in the process. Watson captures Hermione’s over-the-top dedication to learning well.

Her Bossy Attitude

Hermione is one of the bravest, most compassionate and heroic characters in the series. However, like all of the characters in Harry Potter, she has flaws. Hermione can sometimes be bossy and controlling, something which translates clearly in Emma Watson’s live-action adaptation.

Hermione’s bossiness is particularly evident in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. She frequently tells Harry and Ron what to do, although, considering how often they rely on her help to escape dangerous situations, it is probably for the best.

Hermione And Ron’s Relationship

Another of Hermione’s most iconic relationships is her love story with fellow Gryffindor and Dumbledore’s Army member Ron Weasley. Hermione and Ron begin to realize their feelings for each other in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and, during the epilogue of the series, are revealed to be married with two children.

J.K Rowling has since expressed regret about pairing Ron and Hermione together romantically in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Regardless, the characters share considerable chemistry in the films due to Watson’s acting and rapport with her co-star.

Her Know-It-All Attitude

In her constant quest to succeed and prove herself, Hermione often comes across as a bit of a know-it-all. Watson expresses this perfectly in the films, with Alan Rickman’s Professor Snape calling her character out in a perfect adaptation of their book counterparts during Prisoner of Azkaban.

Her desire to better herself can be interpreted as showing off and it is largely why Hermione initially struggled to make friends at Hogwarts. Watson does a good job of displaying this mannerism of Hermione’s and portrays her flaws as well as her qualities.

Her Inherently Compassionate Nature

Although Hermione can come across as bossy at times, at her core she is a deeply caring and compassionate person who wants to make the world a better place. In the books, Hermione creates an organization that fights for the rights of house-elves called SPEW and her caring nature is translated on-screen through her interactions with Grawp.

Despite the giant Grawp initially terrifying Hermione, she stands her ground and quickly earns his respect. Hermione expresses concern for Grawp after he is attacked by centaurs and helps look after him whilst Hagrid is away.

The Upsetting Impact Of Magical Slurs

In the Harry Potter series, many prejudiced purebloods and half-bloods scornfully look down on Muggleborn wizards and witches like Hermione. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Draco Malfoy calls Hermione a ‘mudblood’ to her shock and upset, prompting Ron to attempt to hex him in retaliation.

Although Watson is young in the film, her face falls and she perfectly portrays the hurt of being referred to by a magical slur in this scene. It is made apparent to the audience instantly that Malfoy is not the only wizard to express this opinion and that this is something that Hermione will continue to confront throughout the series.

Her Unparalleled Intelligence

Hermione Granger is referred to as the brightest witch of her age, and with good reason. She is gifted and possesses unparalleled intelligence and cleverness that have saved the lives of the Golden Trio continuously throughout the Harry Potter series.

Hermione’s intelligence and love of learning is one of her most defining characteristics. Emma Watson nails this mannerism perfectly in the films and there is never a doubt that Hermione is one of the smartest students to ever study at Hogwarts.

Her Differences With Luna Lovegood

Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood are friends in the series despite the two characters sharing very little in common. Hermione is a practical person who thinks in rigid terms of logic, whereas Luna is more air-headed and prone to conspiracy theories and is likely to exasperate the level-headed Gryffindor witch.

Watson nails Hermione’s mannerisms and Evanna Lynch plays a perfect Luna. Both actresses portray their characters impressively and it translates well on-screen.

Her Gryffindor Bravery

Although Hermione is one of the smartest characters in the series and the brightest witch of her age, there is a reason why she wasn’t sorted into Ravenclaw. Hermione is incredibly brave and puts her life in danger to save her friends and fight Voldemort in the Harry Potter series.

Watson does a great job of playing Hermione as a heroic character, particularly during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. She is an integral part of the Golden Trio and Watson was perfect for the role.