In the world of Harry Potter and the First and Second Wizarding War, if Voldemort and the Death Eaters are the soldiers who fight for the dark side then the Order of the Phoenix are the warriors for the light. This secretive society made it their mission to destroy Voldemort once and for all, and it’s safe to say that they were a huge part of why the wizarding world managed to defeat Voldemort along with the dark wizards who followed him.

But it doesn’t seem that the Order of the Phoenix knew how to exploit all of the potential resources that were available to them. They included many of the most talented witches and wizards alive within their ranks, but there were a lot of exceptional wizards that would have made stellar additions to the Order that were never made a part of it. So here are 10 wizards that weren’t a member of the Order of the Phoenix, even though they should have been.

Regulus Black

The ultimate goal of the Order of the Phoenix is to protect the good in magic and fight against Lord Voldemort along with all of the dark wizards and witches that follow him, so it’s pretty ironic that one of the characters that should have been an Order of the Phoenix was originally one of Voldemort’s loyal followers. His brother Sirius was one of the most important members of the Order of the Phoenix, but Regulus Black initially seemed more than content to follow in his family’s footsteps towards the dark side of the force. However he eventually defected, and actually managed to snag one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes on his way out.

Percival Graves

It seems unfortunate that we never got to meet the real Percival Graves, because if his status within the Aurors and within the American magical world is anything to go by then he must have been one of the greatest dark wizard catchers in the world.

Percival was ultimately outplayed by Gellert Grindelwald, but if he was the one tasked with hunting Grindelwald down then he must have been a very formidable and worthy opponent. He may have lost against Gellert because of Gellert’s superior skill, but it could have also been dumb luck, and it would have been interesting to see how he would have stood up against Voldemort in the Order of the Phoenix.

Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory was unfortunate enough to become yet another collateral damage death at the hands of Lord Voldemort, but if he had actually survived his encounter with the dark lord then it seems pretty safe to assume that he may have wound up in the Order of the Phoenix, or he at least would be exactly the kind of wizard that the Order would have wanted among their ranks. Cedric was a talented enough wizard that he was singled out as literally the best student out of the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry student body, and he seemed like the kind of good and benevolent person that would have stood up against evil.

Viktor Krum

Maybe it’s overly optimistic to assume that every wizard in the Tri-wizard tournament would have joined the Order of the Phoenix at some point, but it seems like Viktor Krum would have been an ideal member of the organization as well. Fleur Delacour is actually the only Tri-wizard contender that was an official member of the Order, but all of their exceptional skills coupled with their generally decent demeanors seem like it would be a good match for the Order. Plus, while Viktor’s relationship with Hermione didn’t go very far, she was clearly putting herself in mortal danger to fight against Voldemort, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Viktor did the same.

Rufus Scrimgeour

Like most of the witch and wizard politicians in the Harry Potter series, Rufus Scrimgeour was a bit of a dubious character who’s decision making skills seemed to be very hit or miss.

He was elected to the role of Minister of Magic at a time in which the entire wizarding world was in chaos, but it seems like his skill set would have been much better suited to a role in the Order of the Phoenix instead. Scrimgeour spent most of his career as an auror and was eventually the Head of the Auror Office, and honestly, anyone who could withstand torture from the Death Eaters is someone the Order really needed on their side.

Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood undoubtedly played a pretty key role in the Second Wizarding War, and she was a talented witch with some formidable creative thinking skills and apparently a very strong constitution when it came to resisting torture and abuse. But since Luna’s goals and the Order of the Phoenix’s goals were in line with one another, it probably would have been better for both parties if she had just become a member of the Order of the Phoenix. The Order could have benefited from Luna’s creativity and general toughness, and Luna could have benefited from the information and training that the Order could have provided for her.


It’s a real shame that the wizarding world is so prejudiced against other magical creatures, and it’s sad but not surprising that this culture is so strong that even the kindest witches and wizards in the wizarding world overlook what the other magical sentient creatures can offer them. Beings like houseelves would have been an invaluable weapon for an organization like the Order of the Phoenix because no witch or wizard in the world would expect a lowly house elf to be making big moves. And while most house elves didn’t dream any bigger than their given station in life, Dobby was willing and able to go toe to toe with any witch or wizard that threatened his friends.

Hermione Granger

It’s easy to forget this Harry Potter fact, but despite being the two greatest forces fighting against Lord Voldemort no one in the golden trio was a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Clearly all of them deserve to be honorary members of the order since they were really the ones to put down Voldemort for good, but Hermione Granger would have been an amazing member of the Order of the Phoenix for a lot of other reasons too. She’s insanely smart, she’s a wildly talented witch, and she clearly has no qualms about squaring off with the scariest and most evil wizards in history.

Ron Weasley

Just like Hermione, Ron is one of those characters who should have been in the Order of the Phoenix or should at least be considered an honorary member of the Order now. As Harry Potter’s right hand man, Ron Weasley is a clear and natural fit for the Order of the Phoenix, and ironically just by virtue of facing dozens of threats alongside Harry and Hermione he is likely more experienced in fighting against dark wizards and existential threats than most of the members in the Order of the Phoenix. Ron has an extraordinary skill set that pairs perfectly with the Order of the Phoenix.

Harry Potter

In retrospect, it’s actually insane that Harry Potter himself wasn’t a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Harry was not only the greatest enemy of Voldemort and more threatened by Voldemort than anyone else on the planet, he was also literally foretold to be the only person who would be capable of killing Voldemort for good. The only potential downside to Harry being a member of the Order is the fact that, as an accidental Voldemort Horcrux, Voldemort had a connection to Harry’s mind that Harry couldn’t really control, but the Order of the Phoenix could have also used that to their advantage.