The Harry Potter books are so massive and so dense that it’s honestly a miracle that anyone managed to coherently translate them into individual films. And it’s even more impressive that those films were actually fantastic. However, the transition from page to screen required that a lot of cuts be made, and it also required that some pretty integral characters didn’t get their moment to shine on the silver screen.

Given that the books themselves were so big, they required a lot of streamlining in order to squeeze each story into an approximately 2 hours long film. And these 10 characters were streamlined straight out of the movies completely, even though they probably shouldn’t have been.

Andromeda Tonks

So Andromeda Tonks isn’t exactly an essential main character of the Harry Potter book series, however her omission in the films is a bit strange considering everything.

Of course her daughter, auror Nymphadora Tonks, is one of the bigger supporting characters in the film series, and Andromeda’s influence over her daughter is clearly important given the family that Andromeda comes from. And that family, of course, is House Black.

Andromeda is actually the middle sister, sandwiched between Bellatrix and Narcissa, and the fact that these villain sisters are such an integral part of the films makes Andromeda’s absence even more conspicuous.

Ted Tonks

The fact that within one generation the Tonks family managed to go from one of the most prejudiced, ardently pure blood wizarding families to a half blood family that is focused on saving the wizarding world and advancing muggle rights says a lot.

And while Andromeda Tonks bears a lot of responsibility for that, it’s clearly her love for her husband Ted that was the game changer for the family. Nymphadora got her considerable magical abilities from her mother, but she undoubtedly got her sense of justice and desire to do right from her father, Ted.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is chock full of ghosts and other spectral beings, a few of which do make appearances in the Harry Potter films.

But one of the best spectral creatures that never made it to the silver screen has got to be Peeves, the Hogwarts resident poltergeist. Peeves was constantly up to ghostly shenanigans and particularly loved to torture the school’s caretaker, Argus Filch.

But the popular opinion on Peeves took quite the turn when Dolores Umbridge showed up at Hogwarts, and Peeves finally had a benevolent outlet for all of his tricks and torments.

Rodolphus Lestrange

When it comes to scary Death Eaters who are the most important to the overall storyline, the Harry Potter films did include most of the major players. But one character that would have been great to see is Rodolphus Lestrange, a man who’s devotion to the Dark Lord almost matched that of his maniacal wife, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Rodolphus was a devoted dark wizard who was repeatedly imprisoned in (and repeatedly managed to escape from) Azkaban, and aside from being a prominent Death Eater he was also a member of one of the most prominent wizarding families in the entire wizarding world.

Professor Binns

The magical world is a wild and wonderful place, and there is no place truly more magical than Hogwarts itself. The Harry Potter film series does an excellent job of capturing that magic, but there are a lot of different quirky elements of the school that wound up on the cutting room floor. One of the most glaring cuts is that of Professor Cuthbert Binns, the Hogwarts professor of the History of Magic.

Binns and his class were notoriously dull, so dull in fact that Professor Binns actually dropped dead in the middle of a lesson without even realizing it. He just continued on with the class, now performing his duties as a ghost instead of a living wizard.


Whenever anyone thinks of a Harry Potter house elf, they think of Dobby. And Dobby is without a doubt one of the greatest house elves who ever lived.

But he was really an aberration from the standard, and there weren’t any other house elf representatives included in the films.

The books did have some other significant house elf characters though, namely Winky, an adorable alcoholic elf that was much more in line with the typical house elf. Winky was unjustly fired from serving the Crouch family, and she became an elf in service of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when she was looking for work.

Charlie Weasley

It’s hard to make the argument that the films needed even more Weasleys, but it’s also hard to miss that only one sibling in the Weasley family was omitted from the movies.

Charlie Weasley did score a mention in the movies, but unlike the rest of the ginger haired squad, he never actually made an appearance. Charlie was the second oldest in the family, and lived his life working with dragons (which was how he was briefly incorporated into the films). Charlie sounded like a pretty cool dude, so it would have been interesting to actually see him in the flesh.

Morfin Gaunt

The fact that the entire Gaunt family wasn’t included in the Harry Potter films seems like a pretty glaring oversight, as their existence and experiences with Voldemort are formative aspects of the entire story. And while Morfin is arguably the least important Gaunt of the bunch, his story is still vital to the story of the Dark Lord.

After years living as an orphan, young Tom Riddle returned to his home to find his family. The budding Lord Voldemort murdered his human family, and then bewitched Morfin (who conveniently hated the Riddles almost as much as Voldy) to believe that he was the one who killed them.

Marvolo Gaunt

Marvolo Gaunt was the vile patriarch of the Gaunt family, and is obviously where Tom Marvolo Riddle got his middle name. Despite being a pure blood descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself, Gaunt was a poor man who abused his children and reviled all things muggle.

And despite being broke as a joke, Marvolo was the owner of a few priceless heirlooms who’s value even he didn’t understand. He was the owner of Salazar Slytherin’s locket, which eventually became one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, and he also owned a ring that was shockingly home to one of the Deathly Hallows, the Resurrection Stone.

Merope Gaunt

Most of the book characters that were cut when it came time to make the Harry Potter films were characters that the story could at least live without, but it’s hard to make an argument in favor of leaving Merope Gaunt out of the story.

The tale of this sad, abused witch who fell in love with the handsome muggle down the street is the origin story of Voldemort himself. Not to mention, Merope’s use of a love spell to enchant the elder Tom Riddle may be the explanation as to why Lord Voldemort seems to be utterly incapable of love himself.