In the world of Harry Potter, the magical world is typically referred to as the wizarding world. However, the true magical world that exists alongside our real one is much richer and more complex than just wizards and witches. The wizarding world is actually home to all manners of magical creatures. Some of these creatures are quite similar to normal animals we’d see in our own world, and some of them are almost human.

And just like the creatures in the normal world, the intelligence level of all of these magical creatures varies. Presumably the intellect of each individual varies throughout the species, but each species seems to have it’s base intelligence level. Some of them are nearly mindless, while others seem to be incredibly clever, sometimes seeming even smarter than humans. But these are all of the main magical creatures in Harry Potter, ranked by intelligence.


Dementors do seem to have some sort of sentience, but it’s honestly hard to gauge how conscious and intelligent they truly are. However, intelligence is typically connected to some sort of intellectual curiosity and desire to actually comprehend or understand things, and if the dementors are capable of this they certainly don’t show it.

Regardless of how much intelligence is actually there, we can unequivocally say that the dementors only use their consciousness to seek out sustenance and consume it. Plenty of animals exist like this, but it doesn’t indicate anything beyond basic functional consciousness.


Basilisks are a terrifying creature that seems to at least have some pretty good capacity for intelligence and thought. They are really nothing more than a giant, magical snake, however the one basilisk that we’ve met in the Harry Potter series does seem to be pretty clever. At the very least, it was clever enough to keep itself hidden in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Granted, the basilisk that was hidden by Salazar Slytherin and rediscovered by Tom Riddle was likely under the control of a master during it’s outings into the world, but it’s difficult to say how much of what it did was under control or by it’s own choice.


Although unicorns are one of the most powerful magical creatures in the entire wizarding world (apparently powerful enough to be worthy of Garrick Ollivander’s “supreme core” wand designations), it at least appears to the outside observer that aside from their magical properties they are essentially horses with horns.

But luckily for them, horses are a pretty intelligent animal in their own right, which makes unicorns some of the cleverer magical beasts in the Harry Potter universe. Their survival instincts seem to be pretty on point at least, they’re difficult to catch or even come by despite their immense magical power.


Dragons are most definitely one of the most dangerous magical creatures in the world. Controlling and taming dragons is a mystery that most witches and wizards will never be able to comprehend, and frankly most people who run across a dragon are lucky to come out of the encounter with their lives and limbs intact.

But despite their violent temperaments, dragons seem to have some judiciousness with which they exercise their power. As Rubeus Hagrid has proven, dragons are capable of forming bonds with humans, and they at least seem to reserve their brutal attacks for those they see as threats.


Phoenixes are the last of the “supreme wand core” creatures on this list, and they seem to be pretty superior beings when it comes to intelligence as well. Phoenixes are extremely powerful beasts who are literally brimming with magic, but as Fawkes, the phoenix that belonged to Albus Dumbledore, demonstrated, they are very capable of creating long term and powerful bonds with other beings.

They’re difficult to befriend, but once their friendship is earned it’s pretty much a lifetime bond. And given that Fawkes has occasionally managed to save the day at just the right moment, it would appear that his senses and problem solving skills are exceptional for a bird.


The ways and culture of the merpeople is an undiscovered mystery, even to the wizarding world, but the very fact that they even have a culture denotes their pretty exceptional intelligence. They have their own language and they even create their own music, which obviously shows that they have an intellectual capacity that is near or even at that of a normal human.

Merpeople have actually had a difficult and troubled relationship with the wizarding world, because they understandably see themselves as equals to witches and wizards whereas the wizarding world does not.

House Elves

House elves are pretty much permanently stuck under the boot of the wizarding world, but the wizards and witches who take advantage of them very clearly underestimate their intelligence.

They appear to be a bit too scared to rebel against those that control them, and it does seem like a few of them are truly dedicated to their “service”, but when they actually need to think for themselves they’ve proven themselves to be very capable. Dobby is the most prominent house elf in the series, but he has proven himself able to think through things and come up with ideas that even humans have overlooked.


Very much like the merpeople, the centaurs of the wizarding world seem to be much closer to man than to beast, especially when it comes to their intelligence. The centaurs typically prefer to stay out of the wizarding world, and the wizarding world has mistreated them enough for that skittishness to be entirely justified.

But they appear to have a complex culture, societal hierarchy, and relationships, something that is pretty much equal to a human’s. And since there was actually a centaur professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it seems safe to assume they’re extremely clever.


Goblins are undoubtedly one of the most intelligent magical creatures in the wizarding world, and are undoubtedly some of the most intelligent beings on earth in general. Goblins are, much like house elves, stuck beneath the boot of the wizards and witches who aim to control them, but their intellect seems to match or even exceed many humans.

The goblins are pretty much entirely in control of the wizarding economy and wizards seem to hardly notice, and the fact that they have managed to silently take control of such a huge aspect of wizard society indicates how smart they really are.


Although veela are undeniably magical creatures that are not human, wizard, or witch, they are pretty darn close to humans. The magical properties of a veela are something like that of a siren, they are incredibly beautiful and seductive creatures that can nearly hypnotize those around them (but when they’re enraged they can transform into a terrifying bird-like creature).

However, veela are something close enough to human physiologically that they can actually inter-breed with them, so it seems safe to assume that their intellectual capacity is pretty close to a human as well.