The Harry Potter movies brought the world of the books to life in many magical ways. There are hundreds of locations from the books that are also included in the movies. Seeing these locations brought to life on film was definitely exciting for Potter fans.

But, since there are so many things in the books, it’s impossible to include every detail in the movies. Since Hogwarts castle is so huge and there are so many places in the books that are mentioned, not all of them were included in the movies. Here are ten areas of Hogwarts that didn’t make it into the films.


This location isn’t in the movies, but this makes a lot of sense because it’s not technically shown in the books either. While the common room is mentioned, Harry never actually goes there, so book readers don’t actually see it.

However, there are some things about it that are mentioned and other details that have been described outside of the books. This common room is supposed to be one of the most comfortable and homey. It’s also located next to the kitchens, which means it probably smells great most of the time.


McGonagall’s office isn’t’ a big location in the books, but it does appear a few times. There are a couple of instances where Harry goes here such as when McGonagall pulls him aside to warn him about Umbridge.

In the books, her office is shown very briefly during Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. But, only the outside view through a window is really seen. It definitely would have been interesting to see the inside of this office and what it’s like.


The main divination classroom that Trewlaney uses is located in the North Tower. It’s quite a hike to get to, and it’s really high up and crammed in a small room. However, when Firenze takes over for Trewlaney after she is fired, he obviously can’t access the tower.

Instead, he sets up a classroom on the first floor. His classroom is transformed into a mini-forest, and it’s quite an impressive room. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see this magical room in the movies, as this plotline isn’t included.


Filch’s office is another minor location that doesn’t make it into the movies. However, it is in the books a couple of times. Harry ends up in Filch’s office a few times throughout his years at Hogwarts. This office is definitely not an inviting place, but it reflects who Filch is very well.

It’s a small, dingy room full of filing cabinets where he tracks all the wrongdoings of students. It’s also said to smell a little like fish, and Filch also keeps chains and manacles in here.


In the movies, the dungeon area of the castle is shown a little bit, but mostly we see the potions classroom. We also see Snape’s office and stores and the Slytherin common room briefly. However, one of the other main areas of the dungeons from the books isn’t included.

The hall where Nearly Headless Nick holds his Death Day party isn’t in the movies because this entire subplot wasn’t included. It definitely would have been fascinating to see all of the ghosts and their disgusting food and cakes in the movies, however.


The staff room of Hogwarts isn’t’ exactly it’s most exciting space. While Hogwarts has some truly magical and strange locations such as the Room of Requirement, the staff room is probably one of the most mundane areas.

This is a room where the professors go to relax and eat, and it’s very similar to staff rooms at any Muggle college or school. The most interesting thing that happens in this room is the few times where Harry goes in here to try and get attention or help from some of his professors.


The armory is another minor location that isn’t included in the movies, but this also makes a lot of sense because it’s not really a big thing in the books either.

There are many smaller locations that even Harry doesn’t go or see. When looking up information about the floor plan of Hogwarts castle, you can learn about all of the nooks and crannies. The armory is full of suits of armor of all kinds and is located right next to the Trophy Room.


Considering how many details and characters there are in the Harry Potter series, there were some that didn’t make it onto the big screen. While most of the professors from the book are featured to some degree, Professor Binns is not.

He was the only ghost professor at Hogwarts, and his classroom was just as boring and plain as he was.


One location that many fans wished would be in the Harry Potter movies that wasn’t was the Hogwarts kitchen. This room features a big fireplace and is where many of the house-elves spend their time as they cook.

It also contains the same layout of tables as in the Great Hall and using magic, the food placed on those tables, and then appears in the hall above. The other sad thing about this room not appearing in the movies is that fans didn’t get to see Dobby and Winky in this environment, and Winky wasn’t included in the movies at all.


Another location that sadly didn’t end up in the movies is the Ravenclaw common room. While this area is seen by Harry in the Deathly Hallows book, only the stairwell is shown in the movie when Harry talks to Rowena Ravenclaw.

This room is truly stunning. It’s open and airy with silk draping curtains and great views of the mountains outside. The room also has a beautiful painted ceiling covered in stars and many bookcases. It would definitely be a great place to study and reflect.