Ever since his breakout role in Star Wars, Harrison Ford has been a blockbuster entertainer who is still in form as he nears his eighth decade. For the recent generation, it has been Harrison’s mannerisms that have been one of his main draws.

Known for remaining the straight man with very few things to say in interviews, this style has led to there being many memes that lightly poke fun at Harrison. Staying true to his star status, though, the memes only make him even more popular, and here are 10 of the funniest ones you’ll find for our favorite Hollywood stoic.

The Faces Of Ford

Harrison’s name has been the source of many puns, seeing as it is shared by one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world. However, it’s a wonder how his roles have aligned with the number of Ford cars there are available. 

Here, we can see how the many different characters he’s played can be attributed to the number of brands the Ford series provides. If we have to pick one, we’ll definitely go with the Fiesta version of Harrison.

Telling It Like It Is

When Harrison was asked to describe Han Solo in one word, he came up with “Baby” for it; for Darth Vader, he simply termed him as “Evil.” This could easily be applied to the fiasco between Sony and Disney, where it was Spider-Man who was caught in the crossfire.

We can be certain Harrison would’ve had a similar response had he actually been shown these pictures, considering how Tom Holland is already perceived as a baby by pretty much anyone who sees him. Plus, it really was the companies in dispute that made the problem blow out of proportion.

Han Gets Owned

This wasn’t actually a real interview, and Harrison here was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! while Adam Driver was on another show. However, the funny part about this meme is how the verbal burn here compares with how Adam’s character Kylo Ren killed off Han Solo.

With Harrison generally not offering that many facial expressions, these two were too good an opportunity not to be utilized, and now we’ve got two times where Adam took Harrison out of the picture.

Harrison Cares For Nothing

There were a lot of good things about the Solo movie, which brought us a great take on the younger Han Solo. However, one person who had no care for it was the original Han Solo himself. In his appearance at this convention, he made that perfectly clear.

When asked by the interviewer if he was excited to watch the film, Harrison didn’t stop to care about how his answer would fare and admitted he wasn’t looking forward to it. As mentioned in this meme, his savageness definitely deserved a mic drop.

That Acting Range

It’s no secret that Harrison usually gets cast into roles where he plays tough guys who are generally the only ones having a sane way of thinking. For this reason, he’s required to point out stuff others overlook.

The drawback of this practice has resulted in pretty much all of Harrison’s characters having the same style where at least one moment comes up for him to point at the other person. It doesn’t do much for acting range, but it does work for a meme.

Now That’s Talent

You can see it on Harrison’s face in every convention he attends that he really would prefer not to be there, and the smile he has on here is more often than not just out of courtesy. What he didn’t foresee, though, was how fans would make note of this.

Here, we can see how Harrison remarkably pulled off showing both emotions of annoyance and greeting when either side of his face were in contrast. It appears as if he’s made a habit out of putting half the effort too, but even this has led to fans liking him even more.

That Wordplay

Honestly, there wasn’t much of a thought process that went into making this meme, since it’s more juvenile than witty, but we can’t say we didn’t at least chuckle at it. We covered before how his last name has brought some jokes, but even Harrison’s first name isn’t exempt.

As you can see for yourself, breaking down Harrison’s name can lead to the surname also being accommodating for a meme. There’s really not much to say other than having a laugh at the absurdity of this picture; sometimes a simple laugh can be the best.

Always Time For Bros

You can liken Harrison and Ryan Gosling to being like Batman and Superman, as their bromance was exactly the way the superheroes’ relationship worked. During the promotion of Blade Runner 2049, Harrison was seen exasperated yet affectionate with Ryan’s antics.

Here, we can see how the stoic Harrison could sense the animated Ryan was about to sneak up on him as he probably did numerous times before. Even Ryan’s frequent collaborator Emma Stone didn’t spark such interest in him as Harrison did. Maybe this is how opposites are supposed to attract.

Even Indy Feels The Neglect

The always stoic expression of Harrison makes its way in whatever role he’s playing, and you can use this while creating a meme to bring together his famous franchises. Here, we have what can be considered a crossover between Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

As we know, Episode VI - Return of the Jedi saw Luke separate from Han in search of Yoda, and this picture of a somber Indiana implies that Harrison’s inner Han wasn’t feeling happy about being left out to go and check out a lost temple.

Like A Boss Out Of Time

If someone who wasn’t familiar with Harrison Ford was shown this picture, we can guarantee they would have no idea this was taken four decades ago. At a time when people were known to wear weird and snazzy attires, Harrison dared to be different.

That definitely worked for him, as he had that timeless quality that makes him look like a total boss even by today’s standards. As far as this picture is concerned, if someone tells you to dress like it’s 1978, then you better go and get the Harrison Ford style makeover.