Is Happy Valley season 3 happening or has the acclaimed BBC thriller series come to an end? Created by Sally Wainwright, Happy Valley is set in Northern England and follows Catherine Cawood (Sarah Lancashire, Yesterday), a police sergeant raising her young grandson Ryan. Catherine is still haunted by the death of her daughter and Ryan’s mother Becky, who took her own life following a sexual assault by sociopathic criminal Royce. The first season finds Catherine investigating a kidnapping case of a local woman, set in motion by an accountant named Kevin Weatherill (Steve Pemberton, Inside No. 9), who is in league with Royce.
Happy Valley was a huge critical and ratings success, with the performances by Sarah Lancashire and James Norton (Little Women) being praised. The series wasn’t afraid to get very dark and while some of its violence was criticized as excessive, it was considered one of the most gripping dramas of 2014. Happy Valley season 2 arrived in 2016, which found Royce back in prison for the many, many horrid deeds he committed during season 1, while Catherine is caught up in a new case. The second season also attracted positive reviews, but while Sally Wainwright confirmed she was interested in more, Happy Valley hasn’t returned since 2016.
So is Happy Valley season 3 going to happen or has Catherine’s dark journey come to an end?
Sally Wainwright’s Schedule Delayed Happy Valley Season 3
Happy Valley season 3 became something of a question mark following the season 2 finale. Sarah Lancashire had suggested she wasn’t interested in returning while Sally Wainwright confirmed she had ideas for another series but hadn’t started writing it. Wainwright’s schedule quickly filled up with other projects like Gentleman Jack and a new season of Last Tango In Halifax with Derek Jacobi (Gladiator) too.
Happy Valley Season 3 Is Delayed For Story Purposes
In addition to giving the cast and crew time away from the no doubt emotionally draining task of making the show, Happy Valley season 3 was also pushed back for a logical reason. For the third season, Wainwright plans to dig deeper into Royce and his relationship with son Ryan, played by Rhys Connah (The White Princess).
The writer told Digital Spy she wants to revisit Ryan as a teenager for Happy Valley season 3 and explore if he has any of his father’s evilness in him, and how that will impact Catherine. This meant giving Rhys Connah a few years to age.
Happy Valley Season 3 Will Happen… Eventually
Since the end of the previous season, numerous potential start dates for Happy Valley season 3 have been mooted, but it has yet to happen. With Sally Wainwright and the cast up for returning for what will likely be the final season, it feels inevitable it will come back. It’s just a case of when at this point.
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