This week Apple joined Twitter. Yep. Along with that, Zac and Benjamin discuss OS X’s first ransomware, and later on we’ll go over our iOS 10 wishlist and talk about what Apple needs to make the next version better than ever. The Happy Hour podcast is available for download on iTunes and through our dedicated RSS feed. Big thanks to Harry’s this episode.
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New episodes of Happy Hour are available every Wednesday. As mentioned, you can download this podcast via iTunes or plug in our RSS feed link into your favorite podcasting app. Send an email to (or click here) and your question/comment may be featured in an upcoming episode of Happy Hour.
Note: iTunes (web interface and app) may still be propagating the new episode which could take up to 24 hours. Subscribing to the podcast feed will guarantee the latest episode is downloaded.
- Zac Hall
- Benjamin Mayo
Here’s what we discussed in this episode:
If you missed our 56th episode last week, you can subscribe and find every episode or start off from the previous episode here.
Ex-Apple SVP Scott Forstall is now a producer on a Broadway musical
Former Apple SVP Scott Forstall is still keeping it real with that whole Broadway gig
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Donald Trump says he will force Apple to build its “computers and things” in the United States
Donald Trump calls for boycott on Apple … while tweeting from iPhone
Digitimes: Apple planning 5.8-inch OLED iPhone for 2017/2018
Remember: Subscribe on iTunes to catch all of the episodes as they go live and send in your questions/comments to