Welcome to episode 003 of the Happy Hour podcast! Today we’re discussing all things Apple Watch. Can Apple succeed in the smartwatch game? It’s clear Apple has been developing this product for a while and we’ll get into all of the need-to-know information surrounding it. The Happy Hour podcast is available for download on iTunes and through our dedicated RSS feed…

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New episodes of Happy Hour will be available every Wednesday. As mentioned, you can download this podcast via iTunes or plug in our RSS feed link into your favorite podcasting app. In the future, we’ll be starting a new listener mail segment if you’d like to send in your questions or comments. Send an email to listenermail@9to5mac.com (or click here) and your question/comment may be featured in an upcoming episode of Happy Hour.

Note: iTunes (web interface and app) may still be propagating the new episode which could take up to 24 hours. Subscribing to the podcast feed will guarantee the latest episode is downloaded.


  • Dom Esposito
  • Zac Hall
  • Mark Gurman

Here’s what we discussed in this episode:

  • WSJ: Apple struggled to find purpose for Apple Watch after many planned health features were cut, 5 million units ordered
  • The New Yorker profiles Jony Ive: details meeting Jobs, iPhone 6, Apple Watch, cars and more
  • Apple Watch straps will be available to purchase separately at launch
  • Opinion: If any Apple Watch will cost thousands of dollars, Apple needs to start telling that story
  • Apple considering dedicated Apple Watch stores as it sets up Paris booth
  • Apple invites developers to Cupertino to finish Apple Watch apps, test out device
  • Apple will fight iOS bugs with first-ever iOS Public Betas: 8.3 in March, 9 in summer

If you missed our second episode last week, you can subscribe and find every episode or start off from the previous episode here.

Remember: Subscribe on iTunes to catch all of the episodes as they go live and send in your questions/comments to listenermail@9to5mac.com.