Warning: SPOILERS for Hanna.

A total reboot of the film, the Hanna TV series abandons Wright’s surreal, fairy tale-like style for a more gritty and grounded approach. And yet, the first two episodes of Hanna season 1 still largely follow the film’s main beats: After rescuing baby Hanna from UTrax, a secret CIA facility in Romania, ex-soldier Erik Heller raises the girl in the forest and trains her to fight, hunt, and kill, while keeping the secret that she’s a genetically engineered super-soldier from her. Eventually, they are found by Marissa Weigler and they separate; Heller heads to Berlin to enact his master plan while Hanna is captured and held in a CIA black site. Hanna escapes, finds befriends a British family vacationing in Morocco, and then reunites with Erik in Berlin to confront Marissa.

  • This Page: Big Changes To Erik Heller And Marissa Wiegler Page 2: The Hanna TV Series Creates Other Super-Soldiers Like Her

Marissa Wiegler Isn’t The Main Villain

Cate Blanchett’s Marissa was the fairy tale-like wicked queen/main villain out to kill Hanna full-stop; Blanchett’s Marissa even cold-bloodedly murders Erik’s mother, which Mireille Enos’ version of the CIA operative pointedly doesn’t do. In the series, Marissa does start out as the main villain but she gradually finds she’s as much of a target as Erik and Hanna. When Norris, the mysterious woman at CIA headquarters in Colorado overseeing the new UTrax Regenesis program, learns that Heller and the last girl from Wiegler’s original UTrax are still alive, she dispatches Jerome Sawyer (Khalid Abdallah) to clean up Marissa’s mess - and to put down Marissa as well.

Sawyer takes over Marissa’s operation and uses her resources to hunt Hanna and Erik down. When Marissa learns she’s been supplanted, she goes off-book to find Hanna herself. Sawyer allows Marissa to help him find Hanna before he eventually orders Marissa’s death but she kills her would-be assassins and then turns the table on Sawyer. While Marissa’s motivation throughout season 1 was to eliminate the last remnants of UTrax, she has a change of heart when she sees how quickly and ruthlessly her employers betrayed her and after meeting and spending time with Hanna.

Erik Has Friends Who Help (And Betray) Him

In the Hanna film, Eric Bana’s Erik was a deadly assassin with James Bond-like killing skills and he was a lone wolf. Joel Kinnaman’s Erik has been conceived differently as an ex-soldier with the United Nations and he has friends he calls upon to help him. In Berlin, the loyal soldiers from Erik’s old unit come to his aid, including Dieter (Benno Fürmann) and Elsa (Katharina Heyer), and they hatch a successful scheme to kidnap Marissa in order to coerce her to arrange transport so Hanna and Erik can flee to safety.

Unfortunately, Sawyer took over Marissa’s operation while she was held captive and Hanna refused to travel with Erik, which led to him getting shot when they were ambushed at the airport by the CIA. Sawyer then rescued Marissa and his people killed Erik’s friends, except Dieter, whose family Sawyer threatened until he revealed where Erik was hiding. Erik forgave Dieter for betraying him, however, as he understands doing anything you have to do to keep your family safe.

Hanna and Erik Have A Falling Out

Sophie’s Family Aren’t Placed In Danger

Just like in the film, Hanna escapes from a CIA black site in Morocco and encounters Sophie (Rhianne Barreto) in the desert. Sophie is vacationing with her family and Hanna ends up traveling with them, though the family is far more dysfunctional than it was in the movie. Sophie is also just as enamored with and fascinated by Hanna as Jessica Barden’s version was of Saoirse Ronan’s Hanna.

Meanwhile, Marissa recruits mercenaries to hunt down Hanna and they track her to Spain, but unlike in the film, where Isaacs, the whimsical killer played by Tom Hollander, kidnaps Sophie and her family and holds them hostage, the family isn’t placed in any direct danger. The mercs in the series only target Hanna. Sophie does witness Hanna fight and escape her captors at a train station and later on, Marissa literally comes to their home in London posing as Hanna’s mother, but Hanna doesn’t inadvertently bring any violence to the hapless family’s doorstep.

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Hanna Goes To The UK, Meets Sophie’s Friends… And Loses Her Virginity

Hanna’s adventures with Sophie in London are a highlight of season 1 because she gets to experience life as a typical London teenager. Hanna goes to parties with Sophie and meets her friends, including Anton (Gamba Cole), the boy Sophie fancies. However, Anton takes a liking to Hanna and, during an overnight camping trip in the woods (where Hanna feels most at home), Hanna and Anton have sex, which drives a wedge between her and Sophie.

While she was at a party, Hanna inadvertently had her photo taken, which ended up on Instagram. Marissa found the photo, tracked Hanna’s location, and then traveled to London to collect Hanna by posing as her mother. Hanna went quietly so as not to put Sophie’s family in danger and because Marissa promised the answers Erik refused to give her.

There Are More Super Soldiers Like Hanna

The biggest change from the Hanna movie is that there are many more super-soldiers like Hanna. The UTrax program Marissa oversaw was shut down in 2003; after Erik stole Hanna, Marissa was ordered to kill all of the babies and burn their bodies. However, even Marissa didn’t know that the CIA simply restarted the program. Under the designation UTrax Regenesis, the program commenced once more at the same Romanian facility. The trainees are all female like Hanna but were born in 2004 and have been trained for 15 years under the guidance of Dr. Roland Kunek (Noah Taylor), who had previously delivered Hanna.

Erik’s final mission was to destroy the second UTrax facility to protect Hanna - but he planned it as a suicide mission. When Hanna found out about UTrax Regenesis, she decided instead to free all of the trainees. Unfortunately, all of the girls’ programming was too dominant and only one trainee, number 249 (Yasmin Monet Prince), whose real name is Clara, broke free of her conditioning and joined with Hanna.

Hanna Meets Erik’s Mother and Meets Her Real Father

Family and the true nature of family is a major theme in Hanna season 1. Unlike in the film, Hanna comes face-to-face with her biological father in the TV series and she also meets Erik’s mother. After Erik saves Hanna from Marissa, his ultimate plan was to leave Hanna with her real father, Emil Prodna (Aleksandar Milik). Erik contacted Emil and confirmed that he wanted Hanna in his life; he is married and has children who are Hanna’s half-siblings. But first, Erik brings Hanna to meet his own mother and Hanna sees the estranged relationship between them. She also learns Erik’s father was a “rebel” who didn’t love his family.

After meeting Emil, Hanna decides she doesn’t belong with his family and she realizes that Erik is the man who she considers her true father; in her words, Emil was just someone her mother Johanna once had sex with. Hanna runs away from Emil, steals his car, and saves Erik from his suicide mission. Instead, Hanna convinces Erik to help her free the UTrax trainees.

Marissa Survives And Helps Set Up Season 2

The Hanna movie concluded with a memorable showdown between Hanna and Marissa in a fairy tale-inspired amusement park where Hanna finally kills Marissa. The series breaks entirely from that ending and sets up a brand new direction: Hanna and Erik break into UTrax Regenesis’ facility to free the trainees but they find that the girls (except Clara) are too far gone in their programming. Meanwhile, Sawyer arrives with soldiers to take back the facility, evacuate the trainees, and kill Erik and Hanna. But it’s Marissa who comes to the rescue; she kills Sawyer and allows Erik, Hanna, and Clara to go free. Marissa then contacts Norris, reports Sawyer’s death and Hanna’s escape, and she even shoots herself to make her story more believable.

Meanwhile, Erik dies as he does in the film, but in the series, Hanna is with him so she is able to say goodbye to her “dad” and she buries him. Heller suffers a gunshot wound to the gut in episode 4 and he was slowly dying from it for the rest of the season. He finally succumbed to his injuries after Marissa lets them escape from UTrax. Hanna and Clara bury Erik at the same gravesite as her mother Johanna. Hanna then brings Clara back to the forest with her - she now knows she’s not alone and season 1 ends with Hanna losing her father but gaining a sister - as well as an army of potential new enemies in Hanna season 2.